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Our Video Podcast

Hoping to learn or grow on your journey? Our video podcast can offer some helpful conversations. 



Our fast-paced lives leave us feeling burnt out, realizing it might be a good idea to take better care of ourselves.

Have you recently discovered infidelity in your marriage and struggling to decide if you want to stay or leave?

Is it really possible to be addicted to sex the same way you can be addicted to drugs or alcohol?

Read The Latest

Find pieces on topics of sexual addiction, spirituality, healing, and living out in the real world. 

Faithful & True Audio Podcast

Originally founded by Dr. Mark Laaser as The Men of Valor Program, the Faithful & True Podcasts provide timely insight into some of the most important topics surrounding sexual addiction, infidelity, spirituality, mental health, habit building, and many more.


This research article was written by Deb Laaser. The research focused on women's perceptions of relational betrayal, and factors that facilitated posttraumatic growth. Results indicated that relationally betrayed women perceived the betrayal as a traumatic event, to the extent that some met the criteria for PTSD diagnosis.

Listen To Deb Share About Her New Book!

Listen to Deb's recent conversation with Janet Parshall on In The Market as they discuss Deb's new book From Trauma To Transformation: A Path To Healing And Growth.

Why Should I Get Help When It's His Problem?

This article by Debbie Laaser, MA, LMFT, focuses on the importance of the betrayed wife seeking and receiving help and support in light of her husband's sex addiction and infidelity.

Listen to Deb with

Roane & Eva Hunter!

Deb shares from her story and casts a vision for healing through traumatic experiences on The Sex, God, & Chaos Podcast.

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